our fund

our mission
Improve the lives of women, girls and all members of the communities in Winnebago County through philanthropy, grant making and education.
our vision
Inspire people to be philanthropic and invest in change that impacts the lives of women and their families.
our work
We raise and give money, distribute the message, and empower women and girls to live their lives to their full potential.

our history
In 1996 Eileen Connolly-Keesler, then Executive Director of Regional Domestic Abuse Services (now Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services), approached the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation about creating a Women's Fund. When initial research sparked significant interest, the Community Foundation established a steering committee in 1997 to guide the funds' formation and organization. The steering committee set the scope and focus, and soon the Women's Fund filed its Articles of Incorporation with the State of Wisconsin and appointed its inaugural Board of Directors.
In 1998, the Women's Fund held its first public fundraising event, "A Year in Progress," which spotlighted the need for a Women's Fund in the community. At the event, the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation promised a $50,000 challenge grant if the Women's Fund could raise $50,000 within the next year. Three months later, we met that challenge.
In the years following, we focused on fundraising and education through a series of public and private events. These early events established the foundation for a Women in Philanthropy Luncheon, first held in November 2000. This event, which moved to a biennial format in 2002, honors grant recipients and presents the Women in Philanthropy Award.

In 2003, a new Women's Fund logo helped raise awareness and understanding of the fund and its mission. Based on an image of a quilt, it celebrated female diversity and illustrated the varied needs women of all ages face in our community. When we updated our logo in 2012, we kept the quilt concept to symbolize our unity as women.
The Women's Fund celebrated our 20th anniversary in 2018 and held our biannual Power of the Purse Luncheon. Jeannette Walls, author of The Glass Castle, captivated the audience with her story of resilience and overcoming poverty. The initial steering committee who launched the Women's Fund in 1998 was comprised of Eileen Connolly-Kessler, Linda Dempsey, Susan Elbing, Virginia ("Ginna") Nelson, Jeanne Metzig, Arline Sitter, Lorrie Keating Heinemann, Mary Lee Hoffman, Caryn Cain, Chrys Hyde, Amy Albright, Lynne Webster, Vicki Beltran, Julie Pollnow, Theresa Luedtke and Alyson Zierdt.

our funds
Community Impact Funds
Patricia J. Koll Fund
Field of Interest Funds Altrusa International Club of Oshkosh Fund Arline Sitter Fund Dorothy Ruland Fund
Jean I. Caudle Fund for Women Jeanette G. Westfahl Fund Josephine and Marie Schneider Fund Nina M. McCandless Fund Rose Fund Ruth Vorpahl Education Fund
Susan Hardy Heaney and Doris Hardy Schwalm Fund
Women’s Fund of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation
Giving Circle Funds
Belles, Books and Candor Fund
G.E.M.S. (Giving Empowers My Sisters) Fund
The Wine Ladies Fund
The Women’s Division 50th Anniversary Endowment Fund
Women in Medicine Fund
Designated Funds
Friend of the Women’s Fund Mary Anhaltzer Fund
The Service League Fund
Women’s Fund Program and Operating Fund
Scholarship Funds
Jeanette Hebblewhite Scholarship Fund Oshkosh Service League Scholarship Fund
Ruth A. Nordhaus Scholarship Fund
Stadtmueller-Kilp Scholarship Fund
Donor Advised Funds
A Cut Above Fund Alexandra K. Koeppler Fund
Alice/Adella Fund Chrys Hyde Fund
Community First Credit Union Fund
Dawn Johnson Smith Fund
David and Susan Elbing Fund Doug and Shelda Fosso Family Fund
Granny Annie Fund
Helaine Rudoy Lasky Fund
Herzog Family Fund Jeanne and Quintin Metzig Fund
JES Fund
Kaitlynn A. Koeppler Fund
Larson Family Fund Marcia Smith-Leslie Fund
Mary C. Leitch Memorial Fund
McDonald Girls Fund Mike and Julie Maslowski Family Fund Nan West Deverman Fund Nelson Women’s Fund N.L. Dirlam Women’s Fund
Ruth A. Nordhaus Fund
SHE3 Fund
Stadtmueller-Kilp Family Fund
Vette Girls Fund
Vierthaler Family Fund
Acorn Funds
Blonde Ambition Fund
Touch of Silver Young Women’s Twirling Corps
Verve Credit Union Fund
*This list of funds is updated at the end of the July 1-June 30 fiscal year. Last update: July 1, 2024