causes we fund
-Grants Supporting Our Communities-
our giving history
Since our founding, the Women’s Fund of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation has granted over 3 million dollars to nonprofits across our communities.
Below is a small segment of programs or organizations that have received funds in prior granting cycles:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fox Valley Region
Girls Mentoring and Community Engagement
Two new Oshkosh Big/Little Sisters matches will be supported with 12 months of ongoing training. 8 to 11 Big Sisters will engage in a pilot vocational and community minded mentoring program that engages current middle school aged Little Sisters and the REACH match engagement and activities program will continue to foster stronger bonds among Big/Little Sister matches within Oshkosh.
Women’s Sober Living Housing
Apricity will be expanding the women’s sober living program that supports long-term recovery from substance abuse disorders. The grant dollars will support a six-month apartment pilot program that identifies final needs to facilitate a smooth transition to self-sufficiency.
Winnebago County Literacy Council (WCLC)
English Literacy, Health & Social Understanding Among Immigrant Refugees
WCLC will provide needed educational services to women and their daughters who are refugees or immigrants. A curriculum will include topics such as women’s general and reproductive health, family financial understanding and financial literacy, recognition of emotional or physical abuse, and advocacy in the community for themselves and family members.
Aurora Health Care
Forensic Nurse Examiner
The Forensic Nurse Examine program at Aurora Health Care in Oshkosh services victims of violence. The program sees people who have been sexually or physically assaulted or who have experienced child or elder abuse. The program will provide clean clothes, personal hygiene supplies and other items for victims.
Oshkosh Area School District (OASD)
Girls Go Forward
Girls Go Forward is a social/emotional initiative targeting middle school girls within the Oshkosh Area School District. OASD mental health professionals, along with other staff members, will use the Girls Circle curriculum to promote resiliency and healthy relationships in pre-teen and adolescent girls. The purpose is to help all girls develop strength, courage, confidence, honestly and communication skills. The program is also designed to increase connectedness among the participants, their school and the community. In addition to the curriculum, OASD will include a physical exercise program to help girls understand the importance of healthy coping skills and stress management.
Boys and Girls Club of Oshkosh
Teen Girls Iron Youth Development
This program will empower high school girls to be the best version of themselves. The six-month program gives girls tools and education to become exceptional leaders, with focus on service, respect, leadership, healthy competition, discipline, physical well-bring, gratitude and dreaming.
Clarity Care
Help at Home
Help at Home offers reduced-cost supportive home care for individuals whose incomes are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level; who are not eligible for government assistance for supportive services; and are in need of care based on an infirmity or disability due to aging, traumatic brain injury or developmental disability.
Bella Medical Clinic
Safeguard Infant Program for Parents
This program provides current and accurate education on infant safety related to Sudden Unexpected Infant Death, SIDS and shaken baby syndrome.
LOTUS Legal Clinic, Inc.
Legal Services for Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking
LOTUS is expanding its capacity to serve victims, build coordinated community response and provide training in Eastern Wisconsin, including Winnebago County. The grant would provide operational support to sustain the organization’s expansion into the area.
Oshkosh Public Library/Oshkosh Herald
Self Confidence: Girls Got This!
The project will engage middle school girls at three different sites. It focuses on helping girls learn about themselves and improve self-confidence and self-expectations. The curriculum will incorporate activities and workshops, like journaling, to follow their personal growth through the school year. The project will identify where they are at the beginning, challenges encountered, and where they are at the end of the school year.
Salvation Army
HUB Coaching Service Provision
The Oshkosh Salvation Army provides case management services (AKA HUB Coaching) to those struggling to be self-sufficient. Through strong partnerships, HUB coaching is proven effective in helping participants achieve self-sufficiency via assessing their strengths and needs, establishing goals and connecting participants with local resources.