apply for a grant
Our 2025 Women’s Fund grant cycle is NOW OPEN!

To support women and girls of Winnebago County by making resources available for causes of interest to them. To foster among women a sense of empowerment and philanthropy. To increase awareness throughout the community of the importance of women’s issues.
Range of Grantmaking
We accept grants at a minimum of $5,000 with a maximum of $20,000.
Geographic Scope
Organizations may lie outside of Winnebago County, but the grant must affect women and girls in Winnebago County.
Grant timeline
Grant applications will be accepted through March 28, 2025. Grant decisions will be made in early spring 2025.
Funding Priorities
Granting Attention will be given to projects and programs that align with Goals of the Women’s fund, including:

Safety from abuse and crime
Violence against women and children
Freedom from fear
Training programs
Economic self-sufficiency
Support self and family
Financial literacy
Equal access to opportunities
Awareness of opportunities
Breaking the cycle of poverty
Health and well-being
Body image
Women’s health
Women’s health risks
Women’s reproductive health
Maintaining healthy lifestyles
Education of our partners and nonprofits
Education of our community
Education for women and girls
Grant Exclusions
Debt reduction or retirement
Political or lobbying activities
previous grants
The Women’s Fund of the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation strives every day to better our community in the most innovative and impactful way. We have helped over 200 organizations, including women, men, children and families - by granting nearly $3 million to our community.
If there is an organization near and dear to your heart, call us at 920-426-3993 to discuss ways to fund them. Help us continue the journey towards $3 million granted to our community.